Illustrative image — Arthur Greenberg / Shutterstock.com

Deep in the lush, rolling forests of Assam, India, archaeologists have unearthed dozens of giant stone jars, which may have been used by an ancient and mysterious people in burial rituals.

65 megalithic jars

Described in the review Asian Archeology, these 65 giant stoneware jars completely or partially buried in the ground were discovered by chance during work aimed at examining known archaeological sites. Measuring up to three meters high and two wide, these elongated and cylindrical or spherical objects turn out to be quite similar to jars previously unearthed in other regions ofSouth Asiain particular at Laos (see image above) and Indonesia.

According to archaeologists, the individuals who made them do not seem to be linked to cultures or groups still present in India, making these artifacts the ultimate testimonies of a vanished people. With regard to their function, several clues leave
think that these objects were used for ritual purposes.

The Naga, the present-day ethnic groups in northeast India, say they found the Assam jars filled with cremation remains, beads and other items “, Explain Nicholas Skopal, lead author of the study. ” This is a believable lead, knowing that similar artifacts previously discovered in Laos also contained cremated bone fragments.. »

Preserving cultural heritage

Such finds highlight the importance of preserving cultural heritage », says Skopal. ” The longer it takes us to find these items, the more likely they are to be destroyed, as more and more areas of this region are being cleared or deforested for cultivation.. »

As the team only excavated a very limited area, it is likely that many such artifacts will soon be unearthed in the area. Researchers said they are actively working with local communities to locate potential sites.

Once they have been registered, it will become easier to protect and maintain », concludes Skopal.

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