
the metaverse and the NFT are the hot topics of 2022, even though not everyone has yet fully grasped what is really going on. But with big companies like Meta or Google throwing themselves headlong into it, no one wants to miss the hype, even if it means crashing (obviously we won’t mention Ubisoft Quartz so as not to shoot the ambulances). And it’s today Epic Games who is doing it, not for NFTs, but for the metaverse, with a strong ally, the lego group.

The LEGO metaverse takes shape

Epic Games announcement therefore to associate with the LEGO group in order to found a metaverse ” aimed at children »which will aim to provide an experience “ family friendly (open to all ages), so that children can express their creativity. If we feel like answering that it already exists, and that it’s called Minecraft Where Robloxthe weight of the LEGO brand is not to be underestimated.

This 3D virtual world then allows learning and creating in the best conditions according to the publisher. The welfare of children will always be the priority here, and Epic Games intends to help the company SuperAwesome, which will ensure that all creations are suitable for children under the age of 16. It remains to be seen how this will be implemented and whether metaverse and a healthy environment for children are not two completely contradictory notions.

The three major rules of this partnership will therefore be:

  • To protect children’s right to play by making safety and well-being a priority.
  • To protect the privacy of children.
  • To provide children and adults with tools that allow them to control their digital experience.

It is not yet known when this metaverse will be available at this time.

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