
Today, the blogger @Digital Chat Station broke the news that OPPO’s self-developed Mariana MariSilicon X chip will soon be distributed to other models. It is OPPO’s first image-specific NPU chip and the world’s first mobile terminal 6nm image-specific NPU. This chip has unprecedentedly powerful AI computing energy efficiency and integrates the self-developed AI processing unit MariNeuro. The AI ​​computing power has reached 18TOPS, surpassing the Apple A15’s 15.8TOPS, which is the world’s top level. Moreover, the OPPO Mariana X integrates the MariLumi image processing unit completely developed by OPPO, which supports 20bit bandwidth; and supports the ultra-dynamic range of 20bit Ultra HDR, which is four times the capability of the current most advanced general-purpose platform. In addition, Mariana MariSilicon X realizes the separation of RGB and W for the first time, which can improve the signal-to-noise ratio by up to 8.6dB and the resolution by 1.7 times, maximize the use of each pixel characteristic, and release the full potential of the RGBW array. At present, this chip has been launched for commercial use in OPPO Find X5 and OPPO Find X5 Pro. Next .
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