
There is some charm in goods from Aliexpress. By opening this site or the application of the same name, everyone can find something for themselves that will please them. But it is often difficult to decide and choose a product that will meet expectations in terms of quality and price. To do this, we collect selections that will allow you to choose something interesting and not worry about the quality. Our collections contain only the best products with excellent reviews and high ratings. This week we will not be tied to the topic, but simply choose what can be useful to everyone.

As usual, we choose the best for you.

folding lantern

A flashlight is needed in any home or car. And if you also like to go hiking or riding a bike, then this accessory will definitely come in handy for you.

This lamp will come in handy everywhere.

This lantern can be used as a normal lantern to shine forward. Can bend its topto put and turn into a lamp, or you can magnetize to a metal surface. It can even be hung on your pocket, backpack, and other places to shine forward, freeing your hands.

Тут каждый день выходят крутые подборки товаров с AliExpress, тщательно отобранные вручную.

In the maximum version, the brightness is up to 600 lmglow distance more than 100 meterswhile the working time more than two hours. Batteries or accumulators can be changed and it will not be a problem to take spare ones with you. And the flashlight is protected from water according to the IP67 standard, so the rain is definitely not afraid of it.

Buy a folding lantern

Universal adapter with Bluetooth

Such a universal adapter will allow you to connect your smartphone to the car radio, and it also has built-in Bluetooth 5.0so you can transmit the signal wirelessly.

It’s not just a wire.

Connectors with gold-plated contacts and a wire in the form of a spiral – so the wire will not only transmit high quality sound, but also be able to stretch to reach the desired device. It’s really a versatile item.

Buy universal adapter

Xiaomi temperature and humidity sensor

Xiaomi offers a huge number of smart home sensors and gadgets. All of them are assembled into an ecosystem, connecting via Wi-Fi directly or via a hub using smart home protocols.

Temperature and humidity can be viewed on the app.

Крутые товары с AliExpress, которые пригодятся каждому.

There are temperature sensors without a screen, but there are also these. It has a screen to display temperature and humidity, but it can be connected to a hub via Bluetooth and receive data via phone. In general, this is a universal sensor that is suitable for every home.

Buy temperature and humidity sensor

Yeelight smart lamp

Yeelight is a subsidiary of Xiaomi. Therefore, its products can be trusted in the same way as those produced by the main company.

You can choose any color.

The lamp connects to the router and can change the mode of operation through the application or through all popular voice assistants. You can choose not only a warm or cold shade, but also brightness, and even color. The consumption is only 3 W, and the scripts will allow you to set the automatic switching on or off of the light.

Buy Yeelight smart lamp

Universal keyboard for all devices

With this device, you won’t have any problems managing your gadgets. For example, it can be connected to a computer, tablet, smartphone, and even smart TV for more convenient access to content. BUT small size (25×15 cm) let you take it with you.

Keyboard for everything

Хорошие товары с AliExpress, которые можно купить без повода.

There is buttons to switch between saved devices. That is, once you set them up, you can easily switch from one to another. There is a version with Russian layout and express delivery.

Buy a universal keyboard

Night light humidifier

The main function of this device, of course, is humidification. It accommodates 380 ml water and can give it out in the form of cold steam. This is not enough for a large room, but putting it near the bed or on the desktop is just right.

Both cute and functional

In addition to moisturizing, there backlight function. So the humidifier can be turned into a night light. The water inside it will refract light beautifully and it will all look great. And the automatic shut-off function will help the device to work not too long. There are several colors.

Buy night light humidifier

Smart socket with Alice

In addition to the ability to control via phone, commands to this outlet can be given by voice if you have a Yandex Station or a smartphone with Alice voice assistant installed.

This socket can be controlled by voice.

Гаджеты с AliExpress, которые помогут взбодриться в это непростое время.

There is a function to connect several phones to one socket or several sockets to one phone. Combinations are also possible. So any family member can control any sockets in the house. There are even statistics on energy consumption, and the socket itself is designed for a maximum current of 16 A. Just insert it into a regular socket, and the device into it, and it will be able to control it.

Buy a smart socket with Alice

The post Just good products from AliExpress that you are not ashamed to recommend appeared first on Gamingsym.