BlitWorks, the espaola editor, announces that hoy is launching the career arcade Slipstream on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch with a price of 8.99 euros. Be inspired by clsicos como OutRun y Ridge Racer for a retro aspect supported in the scaling technique of spritesas well as being hacked in the 80s and 90s principles, in the long run that will test the actual power for a 60 fps fluid game and multiplier on the game.
Slipstream trae “a combination of modern mechanics and options of accessibility to the classic formula, as a rebob of time, derrapes, slipstream and the speed of adjustable game “, says the compaa.” The combination of graphic colors in pixel art with an incredible sound band with influences of synth pop and jazz fusin, work by Stefan Moser, also known as Effoharkay, creates the perfect atmosphere for the squares in the multitude of extinct places of all the world: discover cities, deserts, forests, mountains and beaches. Derrape, rebbinado y rebufo mechanics (slipstream) agregan profundidad a la conduccin, dando como resultado a strategic, challenging and emotional experience“.
Ofrece 20 different pistes which are ambient extensions all over the world, five vehicles inspired by classic cars, three levels of difficulty and options to eliminate visual effects or reduce the speed up to a 50% for a greater accessibility.
The modes of play
Slipstream includes six game modes:
- Grand Tour: five steps, with rival corridors and ramified fireplaces.
- Cannonball: personalizable career mode with traffic, rivals and ms.
- Great Prize: champion mode composed of five carriers, with time points and optional personalization of the vehicles.
- Single Race: a career in each of the 20 tracks of the game.
- Time Trial: a career in solitaire against time.
- Battle Royale: a career path of elimination resistance.
Frequently different graphics modes with pixel filters, CRT and NTSC panels that acercan Slipstream to the retro experience.

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