
OpenAI, the organization for artificial intelligence that was started by, among others, Elon Musk almost six years ago, has shown the AI ​​Dall-e 2. It is about an artificial intelligence that can create images and works of art based on text that users enter.

Above, you can, for example, check out an image that Dall-e 2 created from the text “Teddy bears shopping for groceries in ancient Egypt”. In addition to specifying what should be in the image, users can also enter in what style the artwork or image being created should have. Below you can see three different examples of an image created by “An astronaut lounging in a tropical resort in space” in the different styles “in a vaporwawe style”, “as pixelart” and “in a photoealistic style”.

OpenAI has not released Dall-e 2 publicly yet, partly because it first wants to investigate how the AI ​​could possibly be abused. This was something they even did before releasing their text-generating AI GPT publicly. However, GPT has been released now and hopefully we will also be able to test Dalle-e sometime in the future. Should you be interested in doing so, you can skip OpenAI’s waiting list which can be found here.

Below is a video where OpenAI describes Dall-e 2 a little more closely.

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