
The editor in chief 110 Industries to appear between mano algo con Yu Suzuki, y ese algo parece ser Shenmue 4, although no deadline to confirm. Ni tampoco de desmentirlo. The brand is judging by despiste in various comments on social media. For this reason, there is no official confirmation of any type of entry Shenmue is in development, but it will be extra that a brand will trade in such a terrifying land if there is nothing between them.

During the madrugada of her jewels April 7, Game Rant publishes an article hacindose eco of the first of these pistes. 110 Public Industries on its account of Instagram an image of Wanted: Deadel hack and slash de Soleil que publicarn este ao. In this publication, un user will suggest that the editor should collaborate with Suzuki, who at the Tokyo Game Show 2021 participated in a charla of the company. Y 110 Industries responds: “Image of what is in our issue of TGS”. Se refieren al siguiente vdeo donde tambin aparecen Koji Igarashi y Stefanie Joosten.

On Twitter, the fan @Shenmue_Dojo took the post from the media mentioned, saying: “If it’s just a rumor, it’s convenient”. And his tweet appeals to 110 Industries, who simply respond: “No comments”. As an argument from GamingBoltif the company does not carry anything between people, it will be legal for them not to refer to the game.

Shenmue 3 no concluy la historia

The aficionados in the saga Shenmueone of the joys of the Dreamcast era, receiving the news of that surprise Shenmue 3 was released: announced at E3 2016 backed by a Kickstarter, released on PS4 and PC November 2019. The ttulo tuvo un miscibiento mixto por la crtica y por los jugadores debido, principalmente, a su diseo anticuado, pero adems no acababa la historia which the second part of this work was 11 years ago. Hecho, promises a quarter between the credits.

Ese Shenmue 3 fue edited by Deep Silver, compaa que dej clear that the game has not complied with the commercial expectations deposited in the work of YS Net varios months after the launch. Yu Suzuki made clear in May 2020 his intentions to make one Shenmue 4 que apelara a un pblico ms amplio: “Con Shenmue 3 create a game for the aficionados, but if you have the opportunity to do so Shenmue 4 (y creo que la tendr), s cmo satisfacer a los casual users, as que quiero hacer un juego con el que todos puedan estar satisfechos “. quarter entry.

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