
Tony recently saw a very interesting question on Zhihu: Is it good to spend 8,000 to buy an Apple iPhone 13 Pro for 5 years, or is it cost-effective to spend 1,600 yuan every year for a new Android phone for 5 consecutive years?

As a user who doesn’t think about making up all the buckets, I started to get entangled when I saw this question at first sight. It’s really hard for me to choose.

If you spend 8,000 to buy an iPhone, the phone will definitely last for five years, but even if its current configuration is top-notch, it will definitely be out of date in two or three years, and it will lose its freshness after a long time, making you always want to change it. machine.

If nothing else, you see that the iPhone X is a machine that Apple released five years ago.

Spend 8000 to buy an iPhone and use it for five years or to replace a new Android machine every year?

In addition to the appearance of this phone is not outdated and the screen quality is OK, its configuration in terms of camera, chip, cellular network and wireless connection has basically lagged behind many current models.

Spend 8000 to buy an iPhone and use it for five years or to replace a new Android machine every year?

Moreover, the longer a mobile phone is used, the more likely it is to have problems such as screen aging or serious battery degradation. Even if you can tolerate the slower iPhone running speed, it is quite uncomfortable to encounter the above two problems.

After all, a new battery for an iPhone is not cheap at all, and if the screen is faulty, the replacement cost will be even more expensive.

Spend 8000 to buy an iPhone and use it for five years or to replace a new Android machine every year?

However, you said to change an Android thousand yuan phone every year, the freshness brought by the replacement is there, and you don’t have to worry that the mobile phone configuration will lag behind the contemporaries too much, but it is difficult to find a balanced one at the thousand yuan price. mobile phone.

Just pick up the Redmi K40S priced at 1799.

Although it is equipped with a Samsung E4 screen and Snapdragon 870, with 67W fast charging and stereo dual speakers, you can only buy a 6+128GB version at this price, and its camera configuration is also very general:

Spend 8000 to buy an iPhone and use it for five years or to replace a new Android machine every year?

It is not impossible to buy a top-end version of the machine with this budget.

The Realme GT Neo Flash Edition is at this price right now, and its configuration in terms of screen, camera, and charging is okay, but the performance of the Dimensity 1200 processor is slightly weaker:

Spend 8000 to buy an iPhone and use it for five years or to replace a new Android machine every year?

Considering that the thousand yuan phone is limited by cost, they almost always make some compromises in performance, screen, camera, charging or texture, etc., resulting in the comprehensive use experience of the mobile phone is definitely not as good as the flagship.

So in my opinion, if you have a budget of 8,000 yuan, whether it is to buy a high-end iPhone in one step or replace a thousand-yuan phone every year, it is not the best solution.

The capacity of 128GB is a bit too hard to use for five years ▼

Spend 8000 to buy an iPhone and use it for five years or to replace a new Android machine every year?

Is there any way to solve the five or even six years of machine needs as comfortably as possible under a similar budget?

Of course there is a way.

However, Tony is not sure which option is the most suitable, so he still intends to say all the two options that I have in mind for everyone to discuss.

Let’s talk about the first solution first: spend thousands of dollars to buy a flagship phone and use it for three years, then sell the phone for another flagship and continue to use it for two years.

As we all know, the reason why a mobile phone can be called a flagship is that it must be excellent in all aspects, at least there are no shortcomings, so it should not be a problem for us to use it comfortably for two or three years.

You see, the Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro is a flagship machine released two years ago. It has a high-brush screen, fast charging, dual speakers, and a high-pixel outsole. The performance of the Snapdragon 865 is not weak, and it is comfortable to use for another year. Sure.

Spend 8000 to buy an iPhone and use it for five years or to replace a new Android machine every year?

Not to mention the iPhone.

It has been two and a half years since the iPhone 11 was released, and several colleagues in the editorial department are still using this phone. Except for the battery that is not durable, the daily use is quite smooth, but unfortunately it lacks 5G.

Spend 8000 to buy an iPhone and use it for five years or to replace a new Android machine every year?

The only thing we are not sure about by adopting this plan is how much your mobile phone will sell after three years. If the value of the mobile phone depreciates more, then you may have to add a little more money to replace the flagship.

Speaking of which, Tony has to mention that in terms of hedging rate, iPhones have always been much higher than Android phones.

On the one hand, it is because Apple’s support for old models is very strong. The new iOS released every year generally supports the upgrade of old models for 5 to 6 years.

Spend 8000 to buy an iPhone and use it for five years or to replace a new Android machine every year?

On the other hand, it is also due to the fact that every year, Apple will only release one flagship model in the fall, unlike Android, which will release two or even three flagship models a year.

Like Xiaomi’s digital series and MIX series are flagship ▼

Spend 8000 to buy an iPhone and use it for five years or to replace a new Android machine every year?

This difference feeds back on the used market.

Released in February 2020, the 12+512GB Mi 10 Pro with a starting price of 5999, the current second-hand price is about 2400:

Spend 8000 to buy an iPhone and use it for five years or to replace a new Android machine every year?

The starting price is also 5999, but the 128GB iPhone 11 released half a year earlier than Xiaomi 10 Pro, the price is around 2800:

Spend 8000 to buy an iPhone and use it for five years or to replace a new Android machine every year?

So if you want to go with this option, I’m more inclined to recommend that you prioritize the iPhone over the Android flagship.

Next, Tony will talk about the second option: replace an Android sub-flagship or the previous-generation Android flagship every two years.

Compared with the flagship, the sub-flagships have been simplified in some aspects, but they can still be regarded as bucket machines without shortcomings.

Machines like Xiaomi Mi 12X, Realme GT Master Explorer Edition and OnePlus 9RT belong to this type of machine. It is not a big problem to buy them and use them smoothly for two years. The key is that their prices are often much cheaper than flagship machines.

Spend 8000 to buy an iPhone and use it for five years or to replace a new Android machine every year?

As for the previous generation flagship.

Due to the release of the new flagships, the price of the previous generation flagships will definitely be further reduced. Considering that they are the flagships at the time of release, it is hard to say who the user experience is better than that of the second flagships.

Take the Xiaomi Mi 11 as an example. The top version of the Xiaomi Mi 11 is 100 cheaper than the 12X, but their configurations are mutually competitive. Whether to buy the flagship or the previous generation flagship will definitely make many people tangled for a while.

Spend 8000 to buy an iPhone and use it for five years or to replace a new Android machine every year?

In short, the total cost of the above two solutions should not be much different, it depends on whether you are willing to accept the premium of the flagship machine.

In addition, when switching from iPhone to Android, whether you can use Android phones is also a question you need to consider.

As a dual-wielder, I am quite satisfied with the smooth and worry-free experience of using the iPhone in most cases, especially after you have assembled the Apple family bucket, the linkage function between the devices is also very powerful.

Spend 8000 to buy an iPhone and use it for five years or to replace a new Android machine every year?

But it also has a lot of uncomfortable places for me. For example, the mobile phone does not support long screenshots or call recording, and it is difficult to use the side slide to return.

As for Android, although its user-friendly functions such as double-opening apps, app locks, call recording, long screenshots, and off-screen display can be said to have everything, the problem of Android software permission abuse still exists.

But then again, from the point of view of whether it can be used, I believe that whether it is a thousand yuan phone or a flagship phone, it can basically be used for three or four years.

If the budget is not enough, it may not be a good choice to be a nail household, thank you for watching!

Hashtags: apple iphone mobile phone smart phone

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