Will Plex succeed where the Apple TV app failed? A new tab Discovery has indeed made his appearance through the latest Plex update, which aggregates content from all streaming applications on the market – including Netflix, while the number 1 service is still reluctant to fully participate in Apple TV.

The configuration is incredibly simple, just select the desired services. Plex does not care whether you are subscribed to it: a click on the film or the TV series of a platform returns directly to the corresponding program in the application of the service. To see the content, you will of course have to be connected to said service, but this is no longer the mission of Plex.

The tab’s home page offers several lists: the most popular programs on the services to which you are subscribed and on other services, upcoming content, news, trends on each service, and even a selection of trailers. It is possible to add each content in the global watchlist (although it didn’t work for me, but finally).

Even better, Plex’s search function lets you dig through all the streaming services, in addition to its own content library and Plex’s free catalog. As a bonus, the search results specify whether the coveted program is visible for free, whether it must be paid for or rented, or whether it is necessary to subscribe to the broadcaster. This is not the level of integration of the Apple TV app, which also includes the list of programs Nextbut it’s not that bad.

This new feature can be removed from the side menu, so it won’t bother those who use Plex only as a personal content server. The feature, available on iOS, tvOS, the web and elsewhere, is in public beta: anyone can play with it, but that means it can also have bugs.
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