
According to a report from China Central Broadcasting Corporation, Tongcheng Travel received notices from airlines such as Hainan Airlines and Grand China Airlines that starting from April 5, 2022, the fuel surcharges will be adjusted. Specifically, the fuel surcharge for domestic routes is charged: RMB 50 per passenger for segments below 800 kilometers (inclusive); RMB 100 per passenger for segments over 800 kilometers. After the fuel surcharge is raised, the surcharge for domestic flights will start from 100 yuan, and the airport construction fee plus fuel cost will reach 150 yuan for routes of more than 800 kilometers, not counting the free infrastructure fee for domestic aircraft. . It is worth noting that in early March, domestic airlines have raised a round of fuel surcharges. Each passenger on routes below 800 kilometers (inclusive) will be charged 20 yuan for fuel surcharges, and each passenger on routes above 800 kilometers will be charged 40 yuan, which is equivalent to Doubled the previous standard. Since the current fuel surcharge collection for domestic routes is based on a linkage mechanism with aviation kerosene prices, changes in fuel prices directly affect the standards for the collection of fuel surcharges by airlines. According to previous reports by CCTV Finance, air ticket prices for many popular routes in Qingming this year have plummeted. CCTV buys .
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