Among semiconductor manufacturers, AMD, Intel and NVIDIA are the most important CPU and GPU suppliers. Now Intel has entered the high-performance GPU market, and NVIDIA has also launched its own high-performance CPU. look. This kind of competitive relationship also makes the fans of the three families quarreled on the Internet. It always makes people feel that the three of them must fight to the death. However, in fact, this is not the case. Competition is naturally inevitable, but cooperation is also the norm. After the GTC 2022 conference, NVIDIA CEO Huang Renxun talked about NVIDIA’s relationship with other manufacturers in an interview, especially after Intel entered the GPU market, does NVIDIA have doubts about Intel’s manufacturing? Jen-Hsun Huang said that we have been working with Intel for many years. We shared our roadmap with them before we shared the roadmap with the public. Intel has known our secrets for many years, and AMD has also known our secrets. Huang Renxun said that we (these manufacturers) are mature enough to realize that we have to cooperate. Huang Renxun mentioned a series of .
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