
Sounds like a belated April Fool’s joke, but the photos show otherwise: an 18-year-old in California survived a ricochet…thanks to his Razer headset.

Enough_Dance_956 via Reddit)

You have to be a bit careful so shortly after April 1st and not put everything on the gold scales. But some photos and the statement from Razer say that the story is quite real. According to this, an 18-year-old in Torrance, California, survived a stray bullet because his Razer headset stopped the cartridge.

The story was posted by the affected user Enough_Dance_956 posted on Reddit and with various photos evidence of the bullet hole in the disc, the bullet itself and the destroyed headset.

The user had words of gratitude for Razer: “I’m trying to get a hold of someone at Razer to thank them with all my heart. Wednesday morning at 10:30am a stray bullet went through my window and hit the Razer headphones on top of my head. If it wasn’t for the headphones made with good quality I would’ve been a dead kid at the age of 18. I couldn’t even imagine all the pain my family and friends would’ve been through.”

The police had been informed and were on site to collect the ball. Razer confirmed that it was not an April Fool’s joke, at least not on the part of Razer. The victim was contacted to send him a new headset. Enough_Dance_956 and his family are now considering moving to a safer neighborhood.

The post Razer: Headset stops stray bullet appeared first on Gamingsym.