
With the exception of an anomaly, a malformation or a diseased state, a dog barks. It’s his way of expressing his needs, his desires, his mood. In turn, the human being tries to decipher his expectations. There is no breed that absolutely never barks, but some are more prone to barking than others. Here are the top 10 dog breeds that bark the least.

— Verbitskaya Juliya / Shutterstock.com

10. Basenji

Imported to Europe at the beginning of the 20and century, the basenji is a breed originating from the Congo which descends from the sighthound of Egypt. Lively, independent and intelligent, he is very affectionate towards his master.

Instead of barking, he prefers to emit a cluck which is particular to him. It is therefore perfect for living in an apartment in the city, although it is not exclusively made for living indoors. Known for its hygiene more or less similar to that of a cat, it does not require much maintenance. In addition, he hardly sheds any hair.

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