The ancients believed that the tomb was the residence of the deceased, so on Qingming Day, in order to show respect for the ancestors, the deceased’s “house” should be repaired, new soil should be planted, weeds should be removed, and food should be offered to the deceased and burned. Paper money, kowtow and worship, this is tomb sweeping. Affected by the epidemic, this Qingming Festival advocates civilized and green sacrifices. Many places have suspended on-site sacrifice sweeping, and some parks can provide valet sacrifice sweeping services. At the same time, a variety of cloud ritual sweeping apps have also emerged, offering a variety of offerings, such as incense, waxing, wreaths, and even high-end aircraft, private yachts, Rolls-Royce, luxury villas, etc. But don’t download and use the video easily. According to Lizhi News, in these so-called cloud sacrifice apps, the information of worship objects can be filled in and released at will, and there are no supervision and audit measures in the software, which has the potential to infringe on the privacy of others. In addition, the cloud sacrificial sweep in such software has already changed its flavor, and it is conducting commercial marketing in the name of cloud sacrificial sweeping. Some sacrificial items on the app need to be purchased for a fee. The most expensive sacrificial package costs more than 3,500 yuan, and some software also has a consumption ranking list. .
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