
FaceTime was undoubtedly one of the main new features of the iPhone 4. Steve Jobs presented the video call function in June 2020, during WWDC, at the same time as the smartphone. It was in October of the same year that FaceTime on Mac was unveiled, again by the then CEO at the time (see the video below).

However, it took until February 2011 for the Mac OS X compatible application to become available — and it cost €0.79 ! Free came along with its integration into OS X Lion.

Such a function does not develop on the corner of a table. Justin Santamaria, former head of engineering for the iPhone, recalls in a podcast the first time his team (he was then director of engineering responsible for the FaceTime and Messages apps) demonstrated FaceTime to the big boss.

I was in my boss’s office with the team, and someone was in another office, and someone else was in another office. “, he says in the podcast Ride Home of Techmeme. ” We were using four computers, and I remember we were given instructions as to what should happen, we had to pretend that everything was fine, it’s beta software weeks before it was released, so hey “.

When FaceTime made the “woom” sound, when [le collègue] appeared after the “woom” in the 3D view, I remember Steve saying, “Oh my god, when I go to present this [dans un keynote], people are going to sh*t over it! “.

Never out of a colorful expression, Steve Jobs however did not reuse it during the presentation of FaceTime during WWDC 2010. But his demonstration still had its small effect.

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