
The mail service Mailchimp has now announced that hackers have managed to gain access to the company’s internal customer service and account management system.

Bleeping Computer reports that the hackers have succeeded in this through social manipulation of several Mailchimp employees. The hackers allegedly stole user data and used it to carry out phishing attacks.

Among other things, the hackers sent emails to owners of Trezor’s hardware-based cryptocurrencies stating that Trezor had been exposed to a data leak and that users needed to restore their cryptocurrencies. The instructions, on the other hand, should have users download a malware that hackers could use to steal the contents of their cryptocurrencies.

Mailchimp has now contacted all affected Mailchimp users and informed them of the situation. The company urges all customers, affected or not, to use two-factor authentication to further protect their accounts.

Also read: Get your email in order with Gmail’s smart tools

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