
In July 2021, OnePlus cooperated with IPA to hold the “Seeing the Image Project” global mobile phone photography competition, and it achieved certain success. Today, OnePlus officially announced that it will hold the 2022 OnePlus Global Mobile Photo Contest. According to the official introduction, this competition will still be held in cooperation with IPA. In addition to the official display channels of OnePlus, the contestants will also have the opportunity to receive cash rewards and honorary titles of up to 10,000 US dollars (about 60,000 yuan). According to the promotional page, the themes of this competition are “Moments”, “People” and “Landscapes”. In addition to traditional portrait photography and landscape photography, snapshots to capture special moments have been added. For users who want to participate, just put the hashtag #OnePlusSeeingImagePlan# on Weibo, and @OnePlusMobile, and publish their works to participate in the competition. In terms of format, the body of the Weibo needs to indicate the entry category, the name of the work (within 10 words) and the story of the work (within 50 words), and each Weibo corresponds to a photo and accompanying text, which will be published separately. It should be noted that OnePlus has not officially confirmed the quality of the mobile phone.
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