
The prevalence of Omicron mutation poses a challenge to the prevention and control of the global epidemic. The current vaccine performance has declined in preventing infection. Domestic manufacturers are now rushing to develop more efficient vaccines. Recently, CanSino and CSPC have respectively developedmRNAThe vaccine has been approved for clinical use, claiming to be able to deal with the current mutant strain.

CSPC)Sunday(4moon3day)In the evening, its new crownmRNAvaccineSYS6006The clinical trial application has been approved by the State Food and Drug Administration to carry out clinical research in China.

CSPC said,SYS6006for new coronavirus variantsmRNAvaccine, yesOmicron,DeltaThe current major mutant strains, including all have good protective efficacy. also,SYS6006has good stability and can be2-8Long-term preservation.

CSPC3moontwenty threeday’s performance conference call,SYS6006clinicalIITresearch, the size of70people.

According to preliminary data, two shots of inactivated vaccine plus one shot of stone medicinemRNAvaccine, whose total antibody level is better than three-shot inactivated10times more than three needles with foreignmRNAThe total antibody level was comparable or even better.

In addition to the new crown vaccine, rabies vaccine, respiratory syncytial virus vaccine, shingles vaccine,HPVVaccines and moremRNAvaccine.

CanSino Monday(4moon4day)In the morning, it was disclosed that the new crown developed by the companymRNAThe vaccine has been approved by the State Food and Drug Administration for clinical trials.

According to CanSino, preclinical research results show that the vaccine can induce a variety of important variants identified by the World Health Organization.(including current epidemic strains)high titers of neutralizing antibodies.

Compared with the existing new crown vaccine developed based on the prototype strain, it is more broad-spectrum and can more effectively protect the body from infection by the existing mutant strain.

CanSino believes that compared with traditional vaccine technology platforms,mRNAThe technology industrialization platform has significant advantages in terms of research and development process and production cycle. It is expected to have important localization substitution value when it is established as a benchmark for international biopharmaceutical companies that are at the forefront of this field.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Xianruiarticle error correction

Hashtags: new crown virus new crown pneumonia new crown vaccine

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