
Workers are critical of the company’s new vaccination policy.

Activision Blizzard employees will leave the office (again) in protest next week. This time it is about the company’s new vaccination policy. Namely, they have abolished vaccination certificates to be allowed to work in the office.

Both old and new employees are critical of the decision and have expressed dissatisfaction on social media. Former Blizzard designer Kim Acuff Steiner wrote on twitter:

A spokesperson for the employees at the company issued another statement IGN. The statement said that employees on Monday will leave the office in protest of the decision:

Due to the new RTO policy around no longer mandating vaccination requirements in regards to the ongoing pandemic, a group of ABK employees will be conducting a walkout on Monday April 4 at 10am PDT. We have 3 demands:

An immediate reversal to lifting the vaccine requirement

Remote work should be offered as a permanent solution

The decision to work remotely or in office should be made by each individual employee

We invite gamedevs from ABK and across the industry to participate with us virtually using the hashtags #SickOfThis and #GameWorkersUnite

They are not the first time the employees at Activision Blizzard have arranged “walkouts” as the company in the past year has struggled with dissatisfaction with the work situation and sexual harassment.

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