
As the world’s second largest auto market after China, the sales performance of major auto brands in the U.S. market also has an important impact on their global sales. The United States is also known as the “country on wheels”, and is also the region with the highest number of cars per 100 people in the world. The importance of cars to ordinary American families is higher than that of most parts of the world. It is precisely because of the above reasons that many car companies around the world attach great importance to the US market, and also regard the sales performance in the US market as an important weather vane. Recently, some media produced a list of annual sales of various car companies after statistics on the sales in the U.S. market in 2021. The data shows that the Japanese auto company Toyota won the championship in the U.S. auto sales list in 2021. A total of 2,027,787 new cars were sold, making it the only brand on the list to surpass 2 million. In addition, Toyota also broke GM’s nearly 100-year domination of the U.S. auto sales list, making it lose its sales crown, which can be said to have achieved a lot. The second place is the US domestic car company Ford, but it is nearly 200,000 vehicles away from Toyota, the third is Chevrolet under General Motors, and the .
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