
A week after the slap inflicted by the actor on Chris Rock, Will Smith resigns from the Academy of Oscars. What will be the consequences ?

The 94th Academy Awards got a lot of buzz, not just for an SVOD platform’s first win for Best Picture. After a questionable joke about Jada Pinkett Smith’s disease, alopecia, Chris Rock received a slap from Will Smith in front of the dumbfounded eyes of the audience and viewers.

Quickly, the Academy announced the opening of a disciplinary investigation to condemn this act of violence. She must work on the sanction from here next April 18. Will Smith nevertheless took the lead in announcing his resignation from the Academy. This Friday, April 1, by press release, the Oscar-winning actor for his performance in The Williams Method thus explained:

“My actions during the presentation of the 94th Academy Awards were shocking, painful and inexcusable. The list of those I have hurt is long and includes Chris Rock, his family, many of my dear friends and loved ones, all who were in attendance and a global audience back home.”

He also apologizes to the other winners, whose coronation has been erased by the impact of his actions. “My heart is broken. I want to shine a light on those who deserve all the attention for their accomplishments and allow the Academy to return to the incredible work it does to support the creativity and the art of cinema.”

What consequences for Will Smith?

This act will have serious consequences for the 53-year-old man. First, his resignation will prevent him from being able to vote at the next ceremonies. He could nevertheless in theory still be named and attend the event.

However, this will not affect his victory, for the title of best actor in his performance. The Williams Method. He should keep his statuette. Note, however, that the Academy has not specified the measures that could be taken against him following the ongoing disciplinary investigation.

Even beyond the ceremony, Will Smith must already face serious consequences for his career. According to information from The Hollywood ReporterNetflix has decided to put a switchblade on its next film. Fast and Loosein which Will Smith was to play a criminal who loses his memory, had lost his director a few days after the ceremony.

David Leitch, to whom we owe Deadpool 2finally devotes himself to The Fall Guy, with Ryan Gosling in the title role. According to sources familiar with the matter, the platform would now be rather suspicious of the idea of ​​​​working with the actor.

His collaboration with Netflix would not be the only one to be questioned, still according to The Hollywood ReporterSony would also have paused Badboys 4, while Will Smith had received the first pages of the script just before the ceremony. He is also to appear in a film on Apple TV+, called Emancipation. The platform has not yet commented.

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