
In our mantra, we often hear such an old saying: Can a living person be suffocated by urine? It means to tell us, don’t sit still, there are always more solutions than difficulties, and there is always a solution to any problem. Source: @cctv.net But from a medical point of view, it is really possible for a living person to be “choked to death by urine”! Don’t take it as a joke! So, I suggest you, go to the bathroom first, and then come back to read this article. How is urine produced? Generally speaking, urine production often includes three steps: glomerular filtration, reabsorption by renal tubules and collecting ducts, and secretion and excretion of renal tubules and collecting ducts. That is to say, when we ingest water into the gastrointestinal tract, it is absorbed into the blood through the mesenteric vessels of the gastrointestinal tract, filtered into the renal capsule through the glomerular basement membrane in the blood circulation, and passed through the renal tubules and collections. The tubes are reabsorbed, back into the blood, and some of the fluid flows into the renal tubules. The filtrate formed by the kidneys on both sides every day is about 125ml per minute, with a total of 180L throughout the day, and the urine is finally formed by the kidneys every minute about 1ml, about 1.5L per day, that is, the urine volume is 1% of the filtrate volume, and then the urine passes through the ureter. delivered to the bladder for storage. .
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