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Elden Ring from €53.98 Amazon.de to buy.

The award-winning fantasy author Brandon Sanderson is not only known for its ranks The Stormlight Chronicles and The Mistbornhe also led the wheel of time-Row after the death of Robert Jordan over. In addition, a Kickstarter campaign by Sanderson and his company Dragonsteel Entertainment made waves in the publishing world: The crowdfunding project collected more than 41.7 million US dollars, giving supporters access to four surprise novels by Sanderson, which will be released in 2023, plus a choice of goodie promised packages to his fantasy worlds.

During a recent live stream, Sanderson received mail from Bandai Namco. A big box of Elden ring-Merchandise, including a replica sword. As the author says, the attached message contained an inquiry as to whether he would be interested in working with the publisher (from minute 15:53 ​​in the recording embedded below). Again, this brings to mind Elden Ring, whose marketing emphasized that George RR Martin was involved in designing the fantasy world of the Between Lands.

At this point in time, it is not possible to predict whether the cooperation will be successful and what kind of project could result from it. As Sanderson points out, he tends to speculate on what kind of stories he would tell in known universes. So he already had a draft for a story in the universe of Magic the Gatheringwhen Wizards of the Coast approached him, prompting the publisher to release the official Magic novella Children of the Nameless published by Sanderson. Sanderson has also already collected ideas for the story of a Soulsborne game, which he could now send to Bandai Namco, as he reveals in the stream.


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