
Jim Ryan plans to take on more developers after Bungie to help PlayStation Studios grow.

In early February, Sony acquired the Destiny developer for $3.6 billion. Canadian developer Haven Studios followed in March.

According to Jim Ryan, further investments are planned.

The PlayStation CEO recently spoke on the Official PlayStation Podcast about how well placed they are with their first-party studios. Due to the success one was able to invest in further contents.

“We’re in a really good position with PlayStation Studios and have been for a number of years. The critical and commercial success of the games they’ve made has given us the authority to invest heavily in content creation.”

The aim is to grow organically by acquiring other studios. More acquisitions are planned after Bungie.

“We grow our studios organically and we grow through acquisitions. We’ve acquired five studios over the course of 2021, we’re in talks with Bungie, and we have more planned. This puts us in a virtuous cycle where success breeds more success.”

You can catch the current episode of the podcast on soundcloud listen

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