
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused many months of widespread violence in all social media and including video games, with studies announcing that it will return its games in Russia without protesting against the invasion and large developers create all types of events to raise funds to help the Ukrainian people.

Hoy es Wargamingcreator of World of Tanks O Pagan Online“it has announced that it has undergone a strategic review of its commercial operations throughout the world”que no poseer ni operar ningn negocio en Rusia y Bielorrusia“, although it is not mentioned, it is clearly related to this current war.

Since March 31, Wargaming transferred his video game business to Lesta Studio, a studio that has heard the perks and that is independent of Wargaming to deal with the rights of all the games in Russia and Belarus without being related to any way with Wargaming that, adems, also initiated the process of its study in Minsk. Es decir, que World of Tanks o World of Warships As a result, they are available in both stages, completely independent of the economic level and supported by Wargaming, as Lesta Studio has total control over all games in these territories.

Desde Wargaming assures that with this motiono no se beneficiarn ni ahora ni en el futuro y, de hecho, esperan sufrir prdidas sstanciales as a direct result of this decision, something very important is that good of the players of World of Tanks or World of Warships are originally Russian.

Wargaming has a creative director who supports the invasion of Ukraine

This is not the first move that Wargaming (which by the way, is the property of the Russian Victor Kislyi) related to the invasion of Ukraine and that passed in February Speaking to his creative director Sergey Burkatovskiy about the public support he has for Russia and its invasion of Ukraine, not only does Wargaming have one of its 19 studios with 550 employees.

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