
NASA’s Perseverance rover has been using microphones to capture the sounds of Mars since it landed on Mars more than a year ago. Now, these recordings help scientists discover that sound travels differently on Mars than it does on Earth.

In a study published Friday in the journal Nature, scientists say they are sure that Marsthin carbon dioxide atmospherewould cause sound to travel more slowly on Mars, and the pitch of the sound would further affect its speed.

IT Home has learned that research says that on Earth, sound usually travels at a speed of 340 meters per second.But on Mars, low-frequency sound travels at about240 meters per secondwhile the speed of high-frequency sound is about246-257 meters per second.

This also means that if one listens to sound on Mars,The treble will be heard first, followed by the bass.

The lead author of the study said: “On Earth, the sound of an orchestra comes to you at the same speed, whether they are low or high. But imagine that on Mars, if you were a bit far from the stage, there would be big delay.”

In addition, due to the thin atmosphere of Mars, sound travels shorter distances. On Earth, sound travels approximately 213 feet (64.96 meters), while on Mars, sound travels only 13 feet (about 3.96 meters) is distorted, that is, if the distance between two people is slightly farther, they will not be able to hear clearly.

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