
Today, the official Weibo of the movie Wandering Earth released a new set of photos for the starring Wu Jing Qingsheng. “Unstoppable love, come on for the future! The movie “The Wandering Earth 2″ wishes Brother Jing a happy birthday!”. The photos on the set show Wu Jing standing on a motorcycle with a valiant appearance and a bright smile. “The Wandering Earth 2” is a science fiction film directed by Guo Fan, supervised by Liu Cixin and starring Wu Jing, Andy Lau, Zhang Fengyi, etc. It will be released on the first day of the Chinese New Year in 2023. The film is based on Liu Cixin’s novel of the same name. Earlier, director Guo Fan said in an interview that at the story level, the second episode will have more sci-fi ideas and more world views. Guo Fan said that in order to ensure the rationality of the concept of science fiction, an advisory group composed of experts from multiple disciplines in the Chinese Academy of Sciences was established this time, and a worldview of more than 100,000 words was sorted out. The previous film, “The Wandering Earth”, made a comeback in the Spring Festival of 2019 with word of mouth. From no one cared to the whole network, it won 4.688 billion yuan at the mainland box office in one fell swoop, and currently ranks fifth in the box office list in mainland China’s film history. Earlier, Guo Fan revealed that “The Wandering Earth 2″ is expected to be completed in April this year. .
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