
First release of Android 13!Google Pixel 7 Pro rendering exposure: rear camera looks like iPhone 14 Pro exclamation point digging hole

Last year, Google launched the “self-developed” Tensor chip on the Pixel 6 series. At present, the performance and power consumption are not bad, so the next-generation Pixel 7 series will continue to be equipped with Tensor chips.

Recently, some overseas bloggers have exposed a set of high-definition renderings of the Pixel 7 Pro models, which are very detailed and should be basically consistent with the current real machine.

According to the picture,The Pixel 7 Pro basically continues the design of the previous generation. The front adopts a full-screen solution with a hole in the center, and the back is a long horizontal rear camera module.

Among them, in addition to the front camera opening is very small, the surrounding borders are also very narrow, almost the same width on all sides, only the chin part is slightly wider, the whole visual effect is very immersive.

First release of Android 13!Google Pixel 7 Pro rendering exposure: rear camera looks like iPhone 14 Pro exclamation point digging hole

It is worth noting that the rear camera opening on the back of the Pixel 7 Pro looks very familiar at first glance. It is somewhat similar to the opening on the rendering of the iPhone 14 Pro that has been circulating on the Internet recently. Both are designed with an exclamation mark.On the left is a long bar and on the right is a circular opening.

The Pixel 7 Pro is also equipped with a periscope telephoto lens in the circular opening on the right, which is very scarce on today’s Android flagships and can bring better telephoto performance.

In addition, the Google Pixel 7 series will be pre-installed with the Android 13 operating system, which will also be the industry’s first flagship phone with the Android 13 system pre-installed, which is worth looking forward to.

First release of Android 13!Google Pixel 7 Pro rendering exposure: rear camera looks like iPhone 14 Pro exclamation point digging hole

First release of Android 13!Google Pixel 7 Pro rendering exposure: rear camera looks like iPhone 14 Pro exclamation point digging hole

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Responsible editor: Jian Jiaarticle error correction

Hashtags: Google Android 13Pixel 7

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