
With the application of L2-level assisted driving, the concept of “unmanned driving” has gradually been accepted by more and more people. However, in the opinion of some industry insiders, the significance of unmanned driving is still controversial.

On April 1, at Weichai Power’s 2021 annual performance conference, Tan Xuguang, chairman and CEO of Weichai Power, said that unmanned driving is a trick.

It further explained: “Assistant driving is the hope that a specific environment can be realized, such as in a port, but the port has historically been put in place,To replace the driverless car again, the cost is huge… Heavy trucks are assisted driving, it is impossible for no one! Don’t listen to them fooling around. L1 is okay, L2 is so-so, and L3 is impossible. “

In addition, for the new energy vehicle industry, he also said, “In recent years, the new energy industry has been quite lively. My definition of liveliness is ‘one swarm’, and then disorderly competition, new energy vehicles, especially passenger cars. With cars, there will be a catastrophic overcapacity. My words are carefully considered, not random.

Using the capital market’s capital concept for new energy vehicles, we have many companies doping private life,Expansion of wealth through the capital market has led to a disorderly capital expansion of the capital market for new energy. Everyone sees this very clearly. “

However, Tan Xuguang also said that the arrival of new energy has brought the impetus of scientific and technological progress to traditional energy, reducing fuel consumption and improving efficiency is an important means to realize the extension of life of traditional fossil energy.

It is reported that Weichai Power was established in 2002. It is an H-share listed company in China’s internal combustion engine industry and a company that returned to the mainland from overseas to achieve A-share re-listing.

At present, it has successfully built a pattern of coordinated development of powertrain (engine, gearbox, axle, hydraulic), vehicle and machine, intelligent logistics and other industrial sectors.It owns brands such as “Weichai Power Engine”, “Fast Transmission”, “Hande Axle”, “Shaanxi Automobile Heavy Truck” and “Linde Hydraulic”.

Enterprise information shows that Tan Xuguang serves as the chairman, director, chief executive officer and legal representative, and holds 0.67% of the shares of the listed company.

The annual report shows that in 2021, Weichai Power will achieve operating income of 203.55 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.2%; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies is 9.25 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 0.3%; net profit after deduction is 8.316 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase. down nearly 5%.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Ruofengarticle error correction

Hashtag: car driverless Weichai

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