
The action RPG game Tribes of Midgarddevelopped by Norsfell Games Inc. and edited Gearbox Softwarewas recently listed on the official website of the ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) with mention of the hybrid console of nintendo as well as Xbox One and Series X|S of Microsoft. Released in 2021 on PlayStation 4/5 and computer via Steam, the noted title 73/100 on Metacritic could therefore make its arrival on nintendo-switch In the coming months.

Tribes of Midgard listed on Nintendo Switch by ESRB

This isn’t the first time an unannounced game has first been spotted on a video game rating organization’s website. This was for example the case of Astroneer, listed in January 2020 and released on nintendo-switch two years later, on January 13, 2022. Nevertheless, the arrival on the site of ESBR is not necessarily synonymous with release, since we are never safe from an outright cancellation of a game while the development and publishing teams were in the final stretch.

As a reminder, Tribes of Midgard is a role-playing game in which players assume the role of a viking protecting a magic seed from invaders. Players explore a wild and open world, collect resources and engage in melee combat against enemies (tribes, giants, wizards, …). Players can use clubs, swords, hammers, and axes to attack enemies, whose bodies remain on the ground when killed. In any case, this is how the publisher decided to describe his game on the site of the ESRB.

Tribes of Midgard trailer on PC

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The post Tribes of Midgard listed on Switch, an upcoming release? appeared first on Gamingsym.