
The negative effects of “Shi Huang” Will Smith’s Oscar coming to power and beating people are expanding, according to the foreign media “Hollywood Reporter” report,Preparations for “Jedi Boys 4” by Shi Huang and Martin Lawrence have been suspended, and Netflix has also shelved their new film “Speed ​​and Indiscretion” with Shi Huang.

“Jedi 4” was actively in development at Sony, and Smith received a 40-page script written by Chris Bremner ahead of the Oscars, which people familiar with the matter said will now be on hold.

Shi Huang’s new Netflix film “Speed ​​and Indiscretion” was reportedly shelved after director David Leitch quit earlier this year.The streamer wanted to find a replacement director quickly, but shelved the project after seeing the Oscar beating.

Fast and Indiscreet is an amnesiac movie where the hero is attacked and thrown in Tijuana, Mexico, where he loses his memory. He finds himself living two different lives – a successful wealthy crime boss and a bankrupt and lonely CIA agent. The problem is, he doesn’t know which way of life represents who he really is, and what’s worse, he’s not sure which way of life he wants.

Shi Huang currently also has “Emancipation of the Black Slaves” in cooperation with Anthony Fuqua, which is in post-production. It will be launched on Apple Streaming Media this year, and the film party has not yet announced the schedule. In addition, he and Kevin Hart have also announced starring in the remake of “Planes, Trains and Cars”.

When Shi Huang resigned from his Oscar membership, he said: “Change takes time, and I will do something to ensure that I will never let violence replace reason again.”

Will Smith's new films are shelved after the beating

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