
A few days ago, according to the “Xinxiang Daily” report, starting from April 1, the traffic control department of Xinxiang City Public Security will transfer the “administrative punishment power for encroaching on urban roads and illegally parking vehicles” to the urban management department.The public security traffic control department will no longer exercise the management function for the static illegal parking behavior of the motor vehicle driver not on the scene.

A half-month law enforcement transition period will be set up from April 1.During the transition period, for illegal parking of vehicles, the owner will be reminded by posting a “warm reminder sheet”, and no fines will be imposed.

Xinxiang City Urban Management Bureau will conduct a survey of on-street parking spaces in the city. According to the current laws and regulations, the parking spaces should be “demarcated” and provide parking spaces for the citizens to the greatest extent.

At the same time, on-street parking spaces are numbered, and on-street parking spaces information files are established. Resolutely ban illegal parking lots, vigorously rectify illegally setting up ground nails and ground stakes in front of shopping malls, stores, and building doors and other illegal occupation of public space, further release public parking resources, and increase legal parking areas.

Investigate the vacant parking spaces and parking garages in residential areas, and strictly investigate and punish behaviors such as only selling but not renting, and misappropriating parking spaces that lead to vacant parking spaces.Reasonably increase the parking lot, and further demonstrate the feasibility of parking vehicles in public spaces such as commercial areas, schools, hospitals, and parks.

It is reported that Xinxiang City has eliminated the backward method of “manually” transcribing illegal parking information. At present, the illegal parking enforcement system has been developed in accordance with the standards of “intelligent data analysis, flat command and dispatch, visualization of workflow, and procedural enforcement of illegal parking”. , the system is mainly punished by “assisting personnel on road inspection, mobile handheld terminal collecting illegal parking information, and multi-terminal coordinated law enforcement of illegal parking enforcement system”.

The information on illegal parking is uploaded to the network in real time, the whole process of law enforcement is irreversible, and the punishment is more fair and standardized. Vehicle owners who have been fined for parking violations can pay the fines in a variety of ways, both online and offline.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Ruofengarticle error correction

Hashtags: car traffic police illegal parking

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