
He spent his career selling copies one after another in “Transformers”. Last month, he was interviewed by a reporter when he was promoting his new film “Desperate Ambulance” (the first from the right in the front row), saying that he should close his hands in time. Just don’t shoot so many Transformers. “I made too many (Transformers), and Spielberg once persuaded me to stop. He said that three films would be enough, and I said yes.” “But the studio came to beg me to make a fourth film, and accidentally made another profit. A billion, I’ll say no; then they come and beg me (for the fifth film), it would be nice to be a little more firm, but this thing is really addicting.” The fifth Transformers (The Last Knight) achieved the The series has a new low in word of mouth, nailing Michael Bay to the pillar of shame. So he handed over the guide tube, stepped back behind the scenes, and became the producer of “Transformers: The Rise of the Power Warriors”. The film is set to be released in 2023, the director is Stephen Kapoor Jr. (Creedy 2), and the executive producer is still Spielberg – he not only urged Michael Bay to quit, but also asked the director to fire the director who was working at the time. Fire screen stunner Megan &middot .
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