
IT House April 2 news, today, Lantu Automobile announced the latest delivery data:In March, a total of 1,400 Lantu FREE vehicles were delivered, an increase of 89% from the previous month.

IT House learned that Lantu automobile data shows that,Lantu FREE has delivered a total of 10,484 units since the start of delivery in August 2021, car owners cover 276 cities across the country. Lantu Auto said that 61% of its users came from first-tier traditional luxury car brands.

Lantu Automobile pointed out that in March, due to the repeated impact of the epidemic in many places across the country, Lantu’s supply chain and delivery faced greater challenges. Currently,Lantu has been making every effort to ensure supply and gradually resume delivery.

Lantu FREE

As of March 31, Lantu has opened 55 Lantu spaces nationwide, covering 25 cities. In addition, the second model of Lantu—— Dreamer will open for pre-sale on April 7. The new car is positioned as a luxury electric flagship MPV, offering four-seat customized models and seven-seat models.

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