
Do you like the little things? Love Siri? You’re in luck because Siri can play True or False quizzes right on your device. You will receive 5 random questions on a variety of topics, which you can answer correctly or incorrectly.

Like any good digital April Fools’ prank (or Siri experience), the first few attempts to play True or False with Siri failed with error messages. But as usual with Siri, repetition and persistence pays off, and on the third request, the True or False game started as expected.

How to play True or False quizzes with Siri

To get started, just call Siri and ask “play truth or lie”

Siri Oh oh problem bug bug

Oh, it didn’t work the first time, let’s try again, “Hey Siri, play true or false!”

Siri, something is wrong, please try again

There’s something wrong with Siri, okay, let’s try again “Hey Siri, let’s play a game of truth or lie!”

siri true or false quiz

Success! Third time lovely.

Now let’s play trivia.

Siri true or false game question example

After you manage to answer 5 questions, you can either continue playing or share your score – and who doesn’t want to share their Siri quiz scores?

Siri true or false keep playing or share the result

It’s a fun little Siri Easter egg, and it works on all devices that support Siri, including iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

Hooray for little things and cheers for Siri! Don’t forget the many other Siri command options available, check out this long list to learn more if you’re interested in using the virtual assistant.

The post Play Siri True or False Trivia Game appeared first on Gamingsym.