April 1 Apple celebrates its birthday: The company is celebrating its 46th anniversary. During this time, a little-known company has gone from a small startup that created computers to a huge company with a crazy capitalization and, probably, the most recognizable logo in the world. But before that, she had to go through the hardest path: of course, the iPhone became the starting point of exactly the Apple that we know about now. Let’s take a look at interesting moments from Apple stories: we are sure that you have already heard about something, and some facts will become a real discovery for you.
On Apple’s birthday, they decided to recall the most unusual facts from the history of the company
iPhone box

For us, it’s just a box, but for Apple, it’s the result of hard work.
Pay attention to how beautiful iPhone box? It not only looks beautiful, but also pleasant to the touch. They are even sold on Avito separately from the smartphone, if you remember. It’s not without reason: the company’s designers spend a huge amount of time to ensure that the packaging creates the right emotional response in people. The tactile box should please everyone, and Apple’s attention to detail is off the charts. Here is what he writes in his book “Inside Apple” Adam Lashinsky:
Time after time, designers create and test an endless stream of arrows and ribbons in a variety of colors that will show the customer what to pull to go one step further in unpacking the new thing, where the right corner of the transparent screen protector is located. It sometimes looks like an obsession with Apple designers.
According to rumors, a whole separate department is engaged in the development of packaging in the company, which brings the packaging to perfection. Blimey!
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Apple color white

White devices are more recognizable
Two main Apple device colors – it’s black and white. More precisely, their shades, which are called in their own way as part of the marketing strategy. However, this was not always the case: Steve Jobs didn’t like white and prevented it in every possible way. But Johnny Ive (former design director) managed to push white.
True, at first there were goods similar in color, for example, moon-gray. Later, Jobs still approved the white color, believing that it was the right color to popularize the brand, because it is better to see logos and nameplates. In addition, white encourages the customer to buy the product, reflecting its simplicity and conciseness.
Читайте подробнее: Почему аксессуары Apple белого цвета
Apple Shipping

Apple products and components are transported by air, not by sea
Apple prefers to deliver cargo by air and is one of the largest customers of Cathay Pacific. Thanks to this, the delivery time of goods is 15 hours, and not 30 days if it were sea transportation. Yes, this method is an order of magnitude more expensive, but the company wins, since components are usually paid for on credit, and devices are sold faster.
By doing this, the company saves on interest on debt servicing. In addition, an airplane is the safest mode of transport, which, unlike a cargo ship, cannot sink or be hijacked by pirates. And at the beginning of the pandemic, Apple even transported empty boxes for its devices across half the world. Did not know? Be sure to check out our content!
Каким был самый худший телефон в истории Apple
iPod – history of creation
We all know how legendary the iPod was. True, it was not created by Apple: the idea belongs to the inventor Tony Fadell, who successfully sold it to the company after other companies rejected his proposal. In the late 1990s, he approached Philips and RealNetworks with the idea of creating a digital player, though the tech giants considered the idea a failure. But Steve Jobs was inspired by this idea and even added Fadell to the list of Apple inventors.

Did not know? The iPod has an incredible history!
By the way, the name “iPod” did not appear immediately. At one time, Jobs assembled a team of copywriters to call the device in an original way. It was invented by Vinnie Chico, who, upon seeing a white iPod, was reminded of the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. The fact is that the work of the computer and the iPod reminded him of the interaction of the spacecraft and the rescue capsule, which was called the EVA Pod. They just added “i” to the name – brilliant simple!
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Mac Warranty

Don’t smoke while working on your iMac
You may not have known, but your bad habits can deprive you of Apple device warranty. Yes, yes, do not be surprised: service center employees regularly encounter damage to iMacs associated with tobacco smoke. At one time, Steve Jobs found out about this and replied that nicotine is a dangerous substance, and the company will not require its employees to work with harmful substances. Since then, employees have been able to refuse a customer a repair even if they have an extended AppleCare warranty.
Apple и Meta по ошибке слили данные хакерам. Их обманули как детей
History of Apple
Apple originally had three co-founders: Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, who drew the first company logo with Isaac Newton and later sold his stake in the company for $800. Wherein Steve Wozniak is still an Apple employee and receives a scholarship of $120,000 per year.

Wozniak is still an employee of Apple and receives a salary!
Jobs and Wozniak not only invested their souls in Apple, but also their money: for example, Steve Jobs once sold his Volkswagen van in order to raise money for parts for an Apple computer, and Wozniak, who worked at HP, sold an engineering calculator. True, in 1976 it cost no less than a laptop in our time. In addition to this, Wozniak’s calculator was also the most compact programmable computer.
By the way, you can leave your wishes for Apple on her birthday in the comments or in our Telegram chat!
The post 6 Little-Known Facts About Apple That Will Surprise You appeared first on Gamingsym.