
IT House news on April 2, according to the website of the Zhejiang Provincial Communications Administration, according to the clues exposed at the CCTV 3.15 party, the Zhejiang Communications Administration, in accordance with the unified work deployment of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, quickly filed a case for investigation of the enterprises involved.The “Radar WiFi” application was removed from the shelves for the first time, and the Internet access service was stopped.interviewed the legal representative and ordered the company to conduct self-inspection and rectification.

The Zhejiang Provincial Communications Administration adopted technical testing, professional agency identification, etc. to comprehensively find out the facts of violations and fix relevant evidence. After investigation and verification, Hangzhou Xiya Network Technology Co., Ltd. 7 mobile applications, including Radar WiFi, Jijing Cleanup, Cloud Cleanup, WiFi Little Fortune, E-Save Battery, Great Wall Cleanup Manager, and Instant Translation, violated legality and fairness when providing services. , the principle of necessary to collect user personal information,Violation of the rights and interests of users’ personal information.

IT House learned that on April 2, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the “People’s Republic of China Network Security Law”, the Zhejiang Provincial Communications Administration gave Hangzhou Xiya Network Technology Co., Ltd. a warning, andA fine of 600,000 yuan will be imposed, and a fine of 50,000 yuan will be imposed on the person in charge who is directly responsible..

At the same time, the Zhejiang Provincial Communications Administration has stepped up efforts to protect the personal information of the app and resolutely safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the people. The first is to further strengthen the disposal and exposure of problematic mobile applications; the second is to further strengthen the supervision of the entire app chain; the third is to further strengthen industry self-discipline.

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