
Xbox and the French Football Federation (FFF) are joining forces to promote common values ​​centered, among other things, around diversity and inclusiveness.

Between two takeovers, Xbox also likes to chain partnerships. The gaming branch of Microsoft has joined forces with one of the big French names to promote values ​​that are dear to it: the French Football Federation (FFF).

Xbox and the FFF join forces

Xbox becomes the official gaming partner of the French Football Federation (FFF). This Thursday, March 24, the green brand revealed this new association at the Stade de France in front of an audience of journalists and influencers with a sound and light performance, before revealing it to the general public on its social networks. An association built around common values ​​of diversity and inclusion.

Both video games and football have the power to bring people from all walks of life together around a common passion, while respecting their differences. It is with the ambition to promote this philosophy that Xbox and the FFF have come together, which will allow Microsoft to reinforce its motto “Power Your Dreams” all in “allowing football fans, associations, amateur clubs, women’s football and anyone who loves video games to flourish“Explains the Redmond firm in a press release.

Promoting diversity and helping amateur clubs

More concretely, this alliance aims to offer support to amateur football via Xbox FC. A new program which provides for the renovation of the infrastructure of several French clubs with new changing rooms, dedicated gaming areas, training places and brand new equipment in the colors of Xbox and the FFF. “The operation aims to realize the dream of young amateur footballers. The commitment of Xbox and the FFF is to ensure that these new infrastructures are maintained and that these clubs benefit from additional initiatives over time.“explains the brand.

Another big project, Xbox Day, an open day for amateur football clubs dedicated to inclusion and diversity, which will be held on May 21, 2022 in Clairefontaine. On the program, activities relating to both football and video games with a visit to the training center of the French team, a mixed football tournament, the final of the eCup FFF, an introduction to blind football or even inclusive workshops led by associations and experts to learn how to play differently and have good digital practices. The event will be carried by Kadidiatou Diani (French international footballer) and Domingo (streamer).

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