
Today is April 1, and another wave of new regulations has officially started to be implemented. For example, the C6 driver’s license has been launched, and the new driver’s license deduction method has also been implemented. The Beijing area will also officially launch a new regulation. According to the “Internet Catering Service Catering Safety Management Specification” issued by the Beijing Municipal Administration for Market Regulation, the Beijing takeaway industry will be more standardized and finely managed. It clearly points out that: Catering enterprises should have a fixed place of operation; food delivery should be packaged with seals or disposable outer packaging bags that cannot be restored after opening; takeaway distribution boxes should be disinfected not less than once a day; The delivery staff should not open the outer packaging of food, and the delivery should be terminated if food contamination occurs; the quality and safety of food supplied through online catering services should be consistent with dine-in food, etc. Among them, the takeaway seal is a feature that has been liked by everyone. Today, ordering takeout has become a daily life for many citizens. The “Statistical Report on the Development of China’s Internet” shows that as of December 2021, the number of takeout users in my country has reached 544 million. While enjoying the convenience of takeout, these users also swallowed Less “bitter water”. From time to time, there are problems such as sanitation, dirty and poor service.
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