
Update (2022-03-31):

Apple released Mac OS Monterey 12.3.1 to the public on Thursday night.

The focus is on various bug and security fixes. Among other things, the noted problems with screens and hand controls are remedied.

As for the security fixes, detailed information will be published on Apple support pages shortly.

If you want to install the update, go to System settings and select the option Software update. Then just follow the instructions until the installation is complete.


On March 14, the sharp version of Mac OS Monterey 12.3 was released and despite intensive testing, it is now clear that Apple has not managed to get rid of all the bugs in the system.

According to Macrumors, there are reports of problems with external monitors and hand controlssomething that has led to great frustration among affected users.

Problems have also been reported for users who have received motherboard replaced and in some cases it is not possible to start the computer at all.

This is far from the first time that Apple’s quality control does not live up to expectations, but hopefully the bugs will be fixed in an upcoming update.

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