
News on March 31st, according to @CCTV News, a research article published in the journal “Nature” on the 30th showed that an international team has discovered the farthest star so far from the earth. This star was named “Morning Star” and formed in Nearly 13 billion years ago, or about 900 million years after the Big Bang. According to reports, the star is at least 50 times the mass of the sun and about 1 million times brighter than the sun. Due to its extreme distance, people are now seeing it as it looked about 12.8 billion years ago. The star exploded into fragments millions of years after it formed. However, the scientists stress that the new discovery will help study the origin of the universe. What’s notable about the video is that the newly detected star is so far away that it takes 12.8 billion years for its light to reach Earth. The researchers used gravitational lensing, a phenomenon in which a distant object is magnified by a closer one, to reveal that the star may be a single or binary star system. The exact details of the star’s temperature, mass and spectral properties are currently unknown, and researchers hope that the James Webb Telescope may provide this information in the future. .
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