The next Office update for iOS/iPadOS brings two improvements around OneDrive and PDF. In the first case, it is a question of streamlining the editing of documents stored in OneDrive even when there is no network connection.
Until then it’s necessary open the document at least once in online mode to then be able to work on it in offline mode. There, we can edit these documents without any other form of process as long as they are marked as usable offline in the OneDrive app. A behavior that makes more sense.
Next, the access path to the most used PDF functions has been revised. From the + button at the bottom of the screen, another PDF button will display three commands to scan a PDF, transform an image or a document into a PDF. Tools previously mixed in the middle of several others in the Actions menu or accessible over multiple mats.
This 2.60 update is currently in beta testing no date given for the final version.
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