
At the beginning of the year Microsoft surprised with one mega dealthe the Acquisition of Activision Blizzard for a record sum of $70 billion provides. While the companies have already agreed among themselves, the responsible authorities now have to agree to the purchase. headwind there is now from a small Group of US Senatorswho want to have the deal scrutinized.

Is the Activision acquisition stalling?

In a public letter to Federal Trade Commission (FTC) four members of the US Democrats have their misgivings voiced. They include Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker – all three of whom lined up for the 2020 presidential primary – and Sheldon Whitehouse. It’s about the details sexism allegations the last few months, for the Activision Blizzard several times dish must appear.

US politicians fear that the situation regarding the current allegations could worsen with the deal. Especially the CEO Bobby Kotickwho is likely to keep his job after the takeover, are the focus of the senators. “The lack of accountability, even as shareholders, employees and the public demand that Kotick be held accountable for the culture he created, would be an unacceptable outcome of the Microsoft acquisition.” says the letter to the FTC.

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