
Xbox Game Pass, Microsoft’s outgoing Microsoft subscription service, can get you an interesting family plan to attract users (va) VGC). As the aforementioned variants come from Windows Central, which also specifies that this new plan is familiar – similar to other services like Nintendo Switch Online or Spotify – is aimed at those players who are interested in accessing the service and earning money.

“Segn sources of familiarity with Microsoft, now we can confirm that Xbox is working on a familiar Xbox Game Pass plan that will be launched sometime this year“, we can learn from the information in the quoted medium. At the moment we are discussing where to launch this new family plan and it will have its prices depending on the number of users who want to benefit from it, even if they are clear that the level is higher than suscripcin proporcionar access to five players.

Serve for PC Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass?

Adems of the prices, the information tampoco clear if there is a solo plan familiar or if, on the contrary, habr Specific plans for PC Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass. We do not know if we should hope that Microsoft’s announcement and revelation an ms attractive.

Xbox Game Pass has received these minimum hours Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxya title that could have cost Microsoft between 5 and 10 million dollars, y Tunican incredible adventure for lovers of Zelda.

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