Both Apple and Meta are said to have given hackers, who pretended to be from law enforcement agencies, user data. Bloomberg writes that the companies provided the hackers with addresses, telephone numbers and IP addresses last year when they responded to false requests for emergency information. Snap is also said to have been exposed, but it is unclear whether the company disclosed any information. It is also unclear how many times Apple and Meta responded to the requests.
Apple says it sometimes checks with a supervisor to see if the requests are genuine. Spokeswoman Andy Stone from Meta writes:
We review every data request for legal sufficiency and use advanced systems and processes to validate law enforcement requests and detect abuse. We block known compromised accounts from making requests and working with law enforcement to respond to incidents involving suspected fraudulent requests, as we have done in this case. ”
According to Bloomberg, the hacker group Recursion Team is behind the false requests. However, the group will no longer be active, but some members will continue to be active under other names, including Lapsus $. The data the hacker group accessed must then have been used for harassment. According to information, the forged inquiries will start in early 2021 and be sent via hacked e-mail addresses from several law enforcement agencies.
Internet, Apple,
Lapsus $, hacker group, meta, data
Thanks to you who tipped
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