
Is not an April Fool’s joke.

There will be no E3 fair this summer.

Participating companies were informed earlier today that E3 2022 will not be released in either physical or digital form, one of Razer’s PR employees said. on Twitter. Shortly afterwards, the closure of ESA was confirmed by an official statement (see below) from ESA, the organization that runs the fair. ESA promises to take new steps and “revive” the fair in the summer of 2023, and it will then be both a physical and digital event.

We will devote all our energy and resources to delivering a revitalized physical and digital E3 experience next summer. Whether enjoyed from the show floor or your favorite devices, the 2023 showcase will bring the community, media, and industry back together in an all-new format and interactive experience.

We look forward to presenting E3 to fans around the world live from Los Angeles in 2023.

The first E3 fair was held in 1995 and over the years it has offered many heavy gaming news. But it has changed form several times in the last 15 years, and in recent years many heavy gaming companies have instead chosen to hold their own shows in connection with E3 week. In the pandemic year 2020, E3 was canceled completely, but was back in 2021 with a fully digital event that it is a lie to call a success.

It remains to be seen if Ubisoft, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Devolver and the others still choose to run game shows in the early summer hot June days in just over two months. At least I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

Finally: this is not an April Fool’s joke. The information appeared on 31/3 and is reproduced by a long line of gaming media on Thursday night.

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