Thank you IT home netizens 5033702 The clue is delivered!

IT House news on April 10th, according to the Chinese government website, the 2022 May Day Labor Day holiday arrangements have been released: from April 30th to May 4th, there will be a 5-day holiday in a row, but on April 24th (Sunday), May 7th (Saturday) will need to be rescheduled for work.

It is worth mentioning that May 5th just happened to be “Lixia”, so this holiday is really the tail of this spring! I hope that when the epidemic dissipates, everyone can touch the beauty of life up close!

In addition, I would like to remind all IT home partners across the country: please continue to do personal protection, avoid going to medium and high-risk areas unless it is necessary in the near future, reduce unnecessary dinner parties, and insist on normal prevention and control measures such as wearing N95 masks and washing hands frequently.

Cloud Calendar

IT House was informed that, with the approval of the State Council, the specific arrangements for the holiday dates for New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, Labor Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day in 2022 were announced. This year’s holiday arrangements have all been confirmed.

  • 1. New Year’s Day: 3 days off from January 1st to 3rd, 2022.

  • 2. Spring Festival: From January 31st to February 6th, there will be a total of 7 days off. Work on January 29 (Saturday) and January 30 (Sunday).

  • 3. Tomb-sweeping Day: From April 3rd to 5th, there will be 3 days off. Work on April 2 (Saturday).

  • 4. Labor Day: From April 30 to May 4, there will be 5 days off. Work on April 24 (Sunday) and May 7 (Saturday).

  • 5. Dragon Boat Festival: The holiday is from June 3rd to 5th, a total of 3 days.

  • 6. Mid-Autumn Festival: There will be a 3-day holiday from September 10th to 12th.

  • 7. National Day: From October 1st to 7th, there will be a total of 7 days off. Work on October 8 (Saturday) and October 9 (Sunday).

During the holidays, all regions and departments must properly arrange work on duty, safety, security, and epidemic prevention and control. In case of major emergencies, they must be reported in a timely manner and properly handled according to regulations, so as to ensure that the people can spend the holidays peacefully and safely.

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