In times of higher, faster, further and streaming services that let us watch anything and anytime, the classic book is currently making a comeback. More and more people are consciously taking a break from the stressful environment and retreating to their favorite armchair with a good book and enjoying a good story enriched with a lot of their own imagination.
Or they use today’s extensive selection of audio books from providers such as Audible to immerse themselves in the world of their own imagination while doing housework, driving the car or walking to work. Because books (or audio books) offer many advantages. Instead of fast food on the screen, the stories can be enriched with much more depth and also tell wonderful stories apart from the main story. Exactly these little stories are often left out in films and series – we think, for example, of Tom Bombadil or Hermine’s B.ELFE.R.
In previous articles we have already recommended many good book series to you – for example those off the beaten track or by the German fantasy author Markus Heitz or other very successful fantasy series that not everyone may know. Now, on the other hand, we would like to recommend the book templates of well-known series and films to you. Because these often offer many great side stories that deepen and enrich the respective universe, even if you already know the films and series inside and out.
books about the films
In films, the embellished story is often broken down to a few parts of the main plot. It is otherwise difficult to squeeze several hundred pages of story into a two-hour film. In the books, you often experience the better story.
- Lord of the Rings trilogy: Of course, what is probably the most well-known fantasy story of all time has to be at the top here. The movies (all available via Amazon Prime) are great. The three books are still the better alternative for most people. (Also as cheaper paperbacks)
- Hobbit: Or there and back: Here a trilogy of films was made from a small book. In this case it’s the other way around. The book impresses with the fact that it doesn’t add any nonsense like the three films. (Also as cheap paperback).
- Harry Potter – all volumes: Hardly any fantasy story has shaped an entire generation as much as the adventures of Harry, Hermione and Ron. While the movies aren’t bad at all, they only tell fractions of the many different stories from the books. (Also as cheaper paperbacks)
- Warcraft: The Beginning: Of course, as WoW players, we had to include the film and remind you of it at this point our listing of all relevant Warcraft books to help you understand the story.
- The never ending Story: The story of Michael Ende is not only a fantastic film, but also a book worth reading, which lets you delve even deeper into Fantasy and the story of the Childlike Empress.
- Alice in Wonderland: The story of Alice, the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter, which has been filmed several times, is rightly considered one of the absolute classics of literature. Absolutely recommendable book!
- The Wizard of Oz: No less a literary masterpiece is the modern fairy tale about Dorothy, the scarecrow without a mind, the Blechman without a heart and the lion without courage. This story has also been filmed several times over the years in different ways.
- Underworld: Blood Enemy: Here we have it the other way around. The movies aren’t based on the books, the books are based on the movies while still offering a lot more depth and a number of additional storylines, plus the backstory to the movie series that then Underworld, evolution and Rising of the Lycans based.
Of course, there are many other great fantasy films that are based on books that are worth reading. But to list all of them would probably go beyond any scope. Tell us in the comments which ones make you rave. But before that, we continue on the second page with our favorite books about the series!
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