miHoYo ya tiene todo a punto para empezar the great event of verse 2.6 of Genshin Impact, el popular free to play JRPG de Rol. El Festival Irodori and Inazuma dar inicio maana mismo para que todos los jugadores ganemos suculentas recompensas como Protogemas y mucho ms. If we do not want to lose it, we will continue to explain it fechas, details, requisites and cmo enjoy this new event.
Details of the Festival Irodori event
The new Festival Irodori event is about to start!
In Inazuma is preparing a big celebrity known as the “Festival Irodori” …For more details, consult here >>>https://t.co/H9G0DuHwjk#GenshinImpact pic.twitter.com/79qBsrAlVz– Genshin Impact ES (@genshinimpactes) April 6, 2022
Irodori Festival Event: Fechas, hours and requisites to participate
The first thing that he has to say is that he is interested in participating in this new Genshin Impact event the hours and hours of schooling for the same. Festival Irodori tendr una duracin que occupy los siguientes das:
- The event event: Thursday, April 7, 2022 at 10:00 (server time).
- The event ends: Monday, April 25, 2022 at 03:59 (server time).
Ten in mind that as required to participate in this event you have launched the Rango de Aventura 30 or superior in your account inside the game, adems de haber completed ya la misin The skin plan of Ritou de la misin de Arconte Captulo II, Acto I: La diosa immutable y la utopa eterna.
For another lad, miHoYo recommends that to have a better experience during the event we will also complete preferably the legendary legend of Kamisato Ayato Cypressus Custos, Acto I: Hojas caen de las malvceas, la de la Shogun Raiden, Imperatrix Umbrosa, Acto II: Sueos efmeros y la de Sangonomiya Kokomi, Dracaena Somnolenta, Acto I: Sueos guerreros renovados.
Cmo jugar al evento Festival Irodori y caractersticas
The new Genshin Irodori Festival event Impact allows us participate in a series of frames to help the festival organizer who will be staying in Inazuma, adems of eventual power unblock various games specials. These are the ones main mechanical resumidas of the event:
- During the event: podrs complete the Inazuma festival organizer; tras complete each phase of the mission “Leyendas de los Kasen”, podrs acceder a las Ancdotas del Irodori que correspondan a each phase.
- Invite to Xingchiu: completing the requisites of “Amistad potica” (solo podrs invitalo una vez).
- Lrica estelar: this game is unblocked while completing the “Historias del Irodori (I)” mission. In the hay that averiguar the theme of the poem of the sign the indications of Lenne and Ootomo.
- Mechanical arena: this strategic game has been unblocked while completing the “Historias del Irodori (II)” mission. It is possible to take part in the decision of Komakata to make progress towards different parts.
- Dueling team: this game is unblocked while completing the “Historias del Irodori (III)” mission. Hablando with the warrior indicated we can choose between different difficulties to participate in a spade of spades.
- Floral Arreglos: this game is unblocked while completing the “Historias del Irodori (III)” mission. In l they receive a floral acertijo from Fushizome and tendres that create floral arreglos from the acertijo that te haya dado.
If you want ver a detail cmo desarrollan est dynamics of event puedes echar un vistazo a esta Official publication of the blog of miHoYo.
Compensation for the Festival Irodori event
From miHoYo he specified that hay varied rewards by playing at this new event of the Festival Irodori and its different games; in a way that the players can read to win them over next prizes segn nuestros esfuerzos:
- Protogemas
- Corona de la sabidura
- Talents of the best talent
- Ingenio del hroe
- Mora
- Floral Arreglos para la Relajatetera
Please note that together with this event also the Pase de Batalla Magnificencia multicolor aade ms missions available and complete you can follow EXP del PB.
We record that pods visit ours complete gua to know them best tips and tricks of the miHoYo game. Genshin Impact is a free to play available in PC, PS4, PS5, and Android and iOS devices (almost in Switch). If you want to contact me please do not hesitate to read our analysis.
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