Hideo Kojima, founder and maximum manager of Kojima Productions, has announced that the company has abandoned the offices in which he has been working since he was established as an independent studio. These offices are located in Shinagawa, Tokyo, and he was the protagonist of an amplitude of photographers from the industry who visited the studio. It’s a nightmare known to video game watchdogs, all about the famous white stripe on which the statue of Ludens, official mascot of the company.
“Hoy es el da en el que decimos adis a la intrada, el pasillo de Ludens y la cocina que han sido nuestro hogar durante algo ms de cinco aos “, dice el propio Hideo Kojima en un tweet que ha published on his personal account, y aade: “Me vienen muchos recuerdos a la cabeza. Adis”. In these messages, as in tweets posterior, Kojima has shared some pictures of them Kojima Productions offices totally vacantwhich no doubt means that this time there is a time in the plans of the studio.
Today is the day we say goodbye to the entrance, the Ludens hallway, and the kitchen that have been our home for a little over five years. Many memories come to mind. Farewell pic.twitter.com/TONnpq7JXa HIDEO_KOJIMA (@HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN) March 31, 2022
pic.twitter.com/Xj1IwTQBVD HIDEO_KOJIMA (@HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN) March 31, 2022
What is Kojima Productions currently up to?
This exchange of offices can mark a new boom in the plans of Kojima Productions, although we can not insure because the company does not have to share its projects in large space. Sabemos, eso s, que Hideo Kojima is working on video games because the same confirms the finals of the match; one of them will be one triple A que, segn el diseador, “todo el mundo querr jugar”. Tambin described it as a project that would divide the line between different media. Adems of video games, Kojima Productions announces the opening of a study focused on pelculas, television series and musica division set in Los Angeles directed by Riley Russell, ex of Sony Interactive Entertainment.
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